KT24-25 Creative Imitation

Course Name

Creative Imitation in Latin literature (Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance)




5/6 EC

Course date

semester 1 (2024 - 2025)

Registration open until

10/06/2024 - 22/09/2024




dr. Vincent Hunink (RU) & dr. Christoph Pieper (UL) & dr. Robert Flierman (UU)

E-mail Contact

dr. Vincent Hunink

Course objectives

After successful completion of the course you are able:

  1. to translate the Latin texts in correct Dutch or English
  2. to analyze the grammatical and syntactical problems in the Latin texts;
  3. to reflect in a critical manner on the form, style, content, and aspects of imitation in the Latin texts, with use of the subjects discussed in class and the secondary literature you have read.
  4. to find and use medieval and neo-latin works in the three genres discussed in class;
  5. to discuss the history of the three genres from Antiquity until the Renaissance.
  6. apply the concept of creative imitation in the analysis of medieval and neo-latin literature, specifically in texts belonging to the three genres.

Course content

Imitatio as theory and method of production and consumption of Latin literarry texts from Antiquity until the Renaissance.

1 class theoretical background, with source texts in translation and discussion of an example of creative imitation in Antiquity (Vergil and Ovid);

1 class medieval epic (Arator),

1 class ancient and Renaissance didactic epic (Lucretius, Fracastoro),

1 class ancient and medieval satire/parody (Petronius, Missa potatorum),

1 class Renaissance elegy.

NB The definitive choice of genres and texts will be determined by mutual agreement of the teachers.

The theme and some of the selected texts are well suited to present and discuss in the high school classroom.

BA GLTC/Classics. Note: all participants should be able to correctly translate Latin source texts in acceptable English (or, if their program allows this, Dutch). We expect Latin translation skills at a level that is common in The Netherlands after a BA GLTC.

It is of great importance that students have Latin translation skills as required (level after obtaining BA GLTC). In case of doubt, please contact the course coordinator.



Lectures/seminars. The course will take place on the campus of Utrecht university (or if necessary, online)


Written exam (100%)

Study load 

5 EC = 140 hrs. of which:

15 hrs. seminars

45 hrs. preperation seminars

70 hrs. study and reading Latin texts

10 hrs. preperation exam


To obtain 6 EC, UvA and VU students read more source texts and secondary literature (1 EC) in consultation with the teachers. This must be determined in week 1.

Background Literature and Course Materials

Scans of primary sources texts and secondary will be made available to the students

Further information

Friday 8-11-2024 Utrecht 11.00-14.00
Friday 15-11-2024 Utrecht 11.00-14.00
Friday 22-11-2024 Utrecht 11.00-14.00
Friday 6-12-2024 Utrecht 11.00-14.00
Friday 13-12-2024* Utrecht 11.00-14.00

*Timeslot might conflict with students who also follow Greek Epigraphy. In this case the teachers will present a solution for students that are enrolled in both courses.



Enrolment Form
The university you are currently enrolled at.
Have you achieved a university bachelor diploma or a university of applied sciences bachelor diploma plus a university premaster diploma, in the target language of the course you want to follow? If not, please contact the course coordinator to see if you meet the entry requirements. Masterlanguage courses are not open to bachelor students.