KT24-25 Greek Epigraphy

Naam cursus

Greek Epigraphy



Punten / credits

5/6 EC


semester 1 (2024 - 2025)


10/06/2024 - 22/09/2024


Athens and Utrecht/Groningen/Amsterdam

Naam docent

dr. M.P. de Bakker (UvA) & Prof. dr. O.M. van Nijf (RUG)

E-mail contactpersoon

dr. M.P. de Bakker

Doel van de cursus

In this course, students

  1. develop and train their ability and skills to read and interpret Greek inscriptions in accordance with their level of attainment in the language.
  2. acquire knowledge of the handbooks, corpora and databases for epigraphic research and develop and train the ability to effectively use them for their own research.
  3. train the editorial principles used in publishing Greek inscriptions.
  4. learn how to write a systematic commentary on a Greek inscription.
  5. adopt an interdisciplinary approach to the interpretation of Greek inscriptions by including the original spatial context, the type of monument etc.

Uitgebreide omschrijving

This is an in-depth intensive introduction into Greek Epigraphy with most of the teaching and training in the immediate vicinity of the major archaeological monuments and museums in Athens. The intensive course is preceded by preliminary sessions in the Netherlands, in which basic heuristic instruction is given and Greek inscriptions are studied within their linguistic, literary, and social-historical context.

The course is primarily intended for MA, RMA and PhD students in Classics, Ancient History, Archaeology and Religious Studies, but it is also open to others. The course is part of the curriculum for Research MA and PhD students of the National Research School OIKOS. Prior knowledge of Epigraphy is not necessary, but you need to have a basic level of Greek (a completed elementary course of at least 10 ECTS or a high school exam/A-level in Ancient Greek).

Individual assignments will be set at the appropriate level of Greek. This course is an ideal preparation for using inscriptions in your own research for your (MA or PhD) thesis or for using inscriptions in the classroom.

The course will be taught in English.

The program in Athens consists of site and museum visits combined with epigraphical ambulations. Students prepare flash-presentations (both individually and in groups) to be delivered during these visits. Each student prepares an individual assignment, which consists of a critical edition, an epigraphical lemma and a commentary in relation to one or two specific epigraphical monuments. The assignments are discussed in a work-in-progress session on the final day of the excursion and followed up by a written paper upon return to the Netherlands.

The course is hosted by the Netherlands Institute in Athens, which will serve as starting point for most excursions and ambulations. Some excursions to sites outside Athens are part of the course.

Educatief perspectief

Greek inscriptions can be read and discussed in a secondary school classroom. Students will also become acquainted with Athens, a destination of school excursions.

Students of an Educational Master can do an assignment tailored to an educational purpose. If you want to do such an assignment, please indicate this to the teachers when you register for the course.

Ingangseisen / Taalbeheersing

Prior knowledge of Epigraphy is not necessary, but you need to have a basic level of Greek (a completed elementary course of at least 10 ECTS or a high school exam/A-level in Ancient Greek).

Examen informatie


Lectures, Seminars, Site visits, Epigraphical Ambulations


  • Paper 100%

Individual assignment (paper, graded). The students produce a critical edition, epigraphical lemma and commentary, contribute to the work-in-progress session on the last day of the course in Athens and based on the feedback finish their papers upon return in the Netherlands.

  • Participation in excursion and tours (not graded)
  • Flash-presentations during the course (not graded)


15 hrs. Study: reading and translating in preparation for the session in the Netherlands

15 hrs. Preparational session in the Netherlands

70 hrs. Excursion Athens, including a group assignment and flash presentations

40 hrs. Individual assignment after the excursion


Boeken / Literatuur


Meer informatie


Friday 01-11-2024 Universiteit Utrecht, Drift 25, zaal 003 13.00-17.00
Friday 29-11-2024 Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Harmoniecomplex (1312), zaal 0012. Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 26 13.00-17.00
Friday 13-12-2024* Universiteit van Amsterdam, BG 1, zaal 3.09, Turfdraagsterpad 9 13.00-17.00
07-01 until 17-01-2025 Excursion to Athens

*Er is op 13/12 overlap met het college Creative Imitation. Als er studenten zijn die beide vakken volgen, zullen de docenten een regeling treffen met de betreffende studenten.



Students book and pay their own flights. A fee may be charged for accommodation at the NIA and local transport costs.


Maximum number of participants 

We offer places for a maximum of 12 students. If there are more than 12 applicants, students will be chosen based on (1) their eligibility for the course (the course is designed for MA, RMA, and PhD students in the OIKOS disciplines of Classics, Ancient History, Archaeology, and Religious Studies) and (2) a motivation letter of up to 200 words, in which they explain why they want to take this course and how its content aligns with their study and/or research goals. When allocating places, we aim for an equal distribution across universities (two spaces per institution) and courses (MA, EduMA, RMA, PhD). Eligible students who are not selected will be placed on a waiting list and given priority if they choose to reapply the following year.